“Lodge of Sorrow” at Taunton Deane Lodge
The Taunton Masonic Hall witnessed a wonderful and special evening on Thursday 5th October, when the current Master Andy Williams, conducted a Lodge Sorrow in memory of Sir French, who passed the GL above in June if this year.

It is understood that this was the first time such a ceremony had been performed by Taunton Deane Lodge, in its over 90 year history. This was the most moving occasion as Sid, was an active member of several orders, and was the Board member representing Taunton Deane Lodge from the Boards inception in 2010, he will be missed by all.
The 50 members and guests in attendance then witnessed a superbly conducted a First Degree demonstration, which included an excellent extended explanation of the First Degree Tracing Board by Jon Cozens.

Don Heys presented a GL Certificate to Mihai Dinga in a wonderful manner, the meal after was a joyous occasion, as always with guests enjoying Masonic fellowship.
Lodge of Sorrow
The lodge of sorrow ceremony starts with the WM declaring the Lodge of Sorrow open.
The Secretary calls a roll of members of the lodge, the deceased Brother’s name being last. Those present respond appropriately. After a pause, a second and a third call is made for the deceased Brother, each time being met with silence. After the third call, the Director of Ceremonies rises and says “WM, Bro. Wardens and Brethren, W Bro Sindney French has been called to the Grand Lodge above”. The Director of Ceremonies then perambulated around the temple with Sid’s regalia on a cushion, while reciting a heart felt poem. This is followed by prayers and the closing of the Lodge of Sorrow. A truly moving experience.