Lodge News

A night to remember at Tennyson Lodge

At their recent Friday meeting Tennyson Lodge, made their Past Masters work for their supper by conducting the Initiation of Emmerson Reis. Andy Wade taking the helm and conducting a great ceremony. Andy is the hard working head of the IT team and Web design Team a busy man indeed.

L-R Emmerson Reis, Tony Bryant Wm and Andy Wade acting WM for the night.

After the Emmerson was welcomed, the members of the Yatton Lodge of Hospitality stood to present the Travelling Trowel to the WM of Tennyson in fine form.

L-R Steve Jepps, Richard Coombes, Phil Moore, Dennis Somerton and Matt Westley

Much joviality then followed at the meal afterwards, where bro reis took a moment to thank those who took part in what he considered one of the most important days of his Masonic Career.

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