Gordano Lodge Installation
Gordano Lodge held its installation meeting on Monday 23rd October, the meeting was attended by several provincial dignitaries as well as many guests from other lodges.
Paul Hinkley was installed as the WM for a second year, he then installed his officer’s masterfully, many light blues taking office for the first time.
The Adair Club were visiting and they welcomed new Adair Club member Ryan Harman Taylor into the club. We look forward to seeing all our newly made brothers at the Initiates evening being held at Nailsea Masonic Hall this Friday the 27th October.
The festive board was enjoyed by all with a wonderful steak and kidney pie main course with all the trimmings. The raffle raised funds that were going to be donated to local charities.
Next month we have a double first degree ceremony, this will be a perfect time to see our new light blues in action, if you would like to visit and receive a warm Gordano welcome then please contact our secretary Matt Westley at gordano.lodge@gmail.com