Somerset Stewards Lodge overcome injury, sickness and death to install their new Master
The Somerset Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge had to overcome a large number of missing brethren due to their Almoner(WBro Rawlings) passing to the Grand Lodge above suddenly this last week, one of their Wardens breaking his arm in several places and a large number of members unable to attend due to sickness.
However Terry Hayes managed to install the new Master Daniel Herbert in fine form, with the help of the ProvSGW Colin Martin accompanied by his DC Andy Broad. as usual the Lodge was conducted in a friendly and convivial manner, with lots of smiles and good humour.

The Prov JGW Ian Evans was also there (as he is a member of the Stewards Lodge) to watch his fellow Warden in action, as well as two Grand Officers and several Guests.
The meeting was followed as usual with Wives and partners joining the brethren for a sherry reception before dining together, for an excellent meal provided by the new catering team at Weston Masonic centre.
Somerset provincial Grand Stewards Lodge meet on a Saturday three times a year and any past Provincial Steward is eligible to join; with wives, partners & guests always welcome to dine with them. They are also able to conduct any Passings or Raising for Lodges that have a back log.
If you wish to know more, please contact the Membership Officer Ian Evans about joining at or Simon Sparks the Lodge Secretary for more about conducting ceremonies or other information at