A Sea of Gold at Eldon Lodge’s Installation
Not one, not two or even three, but 5 Grand Officers were in attendance to witness the Installation of Jonathon Britton into the chair of Eldon Lodge, on Saturday 14th October. The ceremony was conducted in excellent fashion by Alan Rogers after his second time in the chair (the first time some 22 years ago.)

Jonathon was initiated into Eldon Lodge in 2012, but due to work commitments he found it easier to attend a Lodge in Bristol, where he went through the chair, but he said he realised it was Eldon Lodge that made him realise why he became a Mason, so he came back and is now the Master. The Lodge is in for a great year with Jon at the helm.

The ProvJGW Ian Evans was there representing Ray Guthrie the PGM, with Garry Sharp the Prov GDC assisting. The ceremony was finished off by an excellent meal provided by Zena, in a very friendly and convivial atmosphere.
Eldon Lodge is over 150 years old and one of only a handful of Lodges in Somerset that meet on a Saturday, visitors are always welcome and they will be conducting their first initiation for several years on the 9th December, for more information contact their secretary Dave Gleeson at secretary@eldonlodge.co.uk, it’s worth the visit just to hear the Eldon song to the visitors, which is a real treat!