Lodge NewsNews

Daughter Lodge visit Mother

On Friday 6th October Rural Philanthropic Lodge (if you can pronounce it you can join) welcomed the Master, Wardens and Brethren of Alfred and Guthrum Lodge on the occasion of their Fraternal Visit. Where they witnessed an almost word perfect passing ceremony, with Stephen Birkett being made an FC Freemason.

Members of Alfred & Guthrum with the WM and Wardens of RPL 291 and Stephen Birkett the newly made FC.

Alfred and Guthrum are the daughter Lodge of RPL and have a great relationship with them, with each Lodge having regular fraternal visits and excellent camaraderie. Many of the brethren of each Lodge make regular visits as well as the main fraternal one, confirming that visiting is one of the most important things in Freemasonry.

Stephen was an excellent candidate on the evening, demonstrating the hard work he had put in to learning his words.

The ceremony was followed by a superb meal of Mackerel, followed by Roast Pork, then with a lovely Sherry Trifle to finish the night off.

RPL will be hosting Birnbeck Lodge on the occasion of their Fraternal Visit at the next meeting in November, continuing the theme of visiting.

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