Tyntesfield Install Their Principals
On Thursday 14th September, Tyntesfield Chapter held its 138th meeting, and installed its Principals.
The meeting began by welcoming E Comp Neil Hurcum Deputy Grand Superintendent. He was accompanied by E Comp Steve Wilson Prov DepDC. The main business of the evening was the installation of the Principals for the ensuing year.
E. Comp Richard Hicken inducted E Comp Richard Ellis in the chair of Zerubbabel; whilst E Comp Richard Ellis inducted E Comp David Maddern into the chair of Haggai. E Comp David Maddern carried out an excellent installation of E Comp Robert Paice into the chair of Joshua, plus presented the Robe Address. The Principals appointed the officers with decorum. With Sojourners all being Companions.
The address to the Principals was presented by E Comp Neil Hurcum Deputy Grand Superintendent. The Addresses to the Officers and Companions were delivered by E Comp Richard Reeves.
The installation of E Comp Richard Ellis completed his 10th installation into the first principal’s chair (twice at Eldon Chapter; 4 years at Royal Sussex; once at both Calderley Chapter of Union and Somerset First Principals and this being the second time at Tyntesfield 23 years after first time).
After the Risings the Chapter was closed in peace and harmony, the companions adjourned for the Festive Board of Warm Salmon & Dill Tart; Chicken Supreme with a Tarragon, Mustard Sauce, New Potatoes and Vegetables followed by Grilled Peaches with Raspberries & Ice Cream and Coffee, again up to the normal excellent Nailsea standard. A very pleasant evening was had by all.
Tyntesfield Chapter will have three exaltations during the forthcoming year in December, February and May. The next convocation will be an exaltation on 14th December 2023. As always visitors always welcome.