Gordano Sunday Lunch – 17th September 2023
Members of Gordano lodge, along with their families and friends all enjoyed a superb Sunday Lunch. The afternoon started with Paul Hinckley (master of the lodge) and his wife Gill welcoming, and wishing everyone well.
The event was well very supported, and as can be seen in the photo, at every possible age. Baby Evangeline (Evi), brought her very proud parents, Jamie and Jess along, who were more than happy to see Evi to get cuddles from all around the room. They found it particularly difficult however to pry Evi away from Paul 🙂
A raffle was held in support of Ryan, who is doing a charity sky dive in early October in aid of the Children’s Air Ambulance, and the lodge was very pleased to be able to donate £200 towards this very worthy cause. Many lodge members are planning to support Ryan on “jump day”, which will be rounded off with a curry. if you would like to find out more or donate to this worthy cause please click HERE.
Everyone had a delicious five course Lunch, prepared as usual by Zena and her team, and enjoyed good company in what was an afternoon of fun and laughter.
All good things must come to an end, and the day was closed with Paul and Gill saying goodbye to everyone as they left.
Please feel free to visit Gordano Lodge, who meet at 18:45 on the fourth Monday except December when it is the third Wednesday, in the months of Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Oct (Installation), Nov and Dec. You will always find a welcoming hand, well run meetings, great food, and good company; Freemasonry at its finest.