First PFV of New Season to Perpetual Friendship
Lodge of Perpetual Friendship gave a (very) warm welcome to 14 members of the Provincial team led by Richard Winter, on the occasion of their Fraternal Visit. Martin Slocombe and Charlie Barker were also in attendance in their roles as senior members of the Royal Arch, to show how the two orders are becoming more aligned.
The team witnessed a superb Passing Ceremony with the candidate, James Johnson answering the questions in fine form. James joined the Lodge through the digital marketing campaign, as his Grandfather was a Mason in Windsor and he wanted to honour him by becoming a Mason himself. James also brought some of his Grandfathers regalia to the meeting to show some of the members.
We were all treated to a long explanation of the Working tools by Joe Arthurs and an excellent explanation of the Tracing Board by Chris and Craig.

Due to the warm weather brethren were allowed to remove their gloves at the meeting and jackets during dinner, which everyone was thankful of!
There was a slight interruption of the proceedings when it was discovered that the Provincial Membership Officer’s car, tailgate had come open, leaving it open to intruders. However on his return Barrie said it was OK the Gold and Silver were still there – much to everyones humour.

In the meeting Richard Winter mentioned the importance of visiting which was backed up by David Flack at dinner, saying that your GL Certificate is your passport to visit other Lodges, so please do so, pick up the phone to any Lodge Secretary saying you would like to civet tham and they will be only too pleased to receive you.
A great meal of Garlic Mushrooms followed by Pork Loin in Cider sauce was enjoyed in a friendly and convivial atmosphere.
There will be a meeting in Bridgwater, shortly, to share how much money has been raised for the various charities and how it will be distributed.