Lodge News

St Cecilia Lodge sponsor concert at Summer Lane Residential Home.

St Cecilia Lodge (The Singing Lodge) have just sponsored a concert for the Dementia ward at Summer Lane Care and Nursing Home.

The Trinity Entertainers

Peter Blackman a Freemason from Weston s Mare, has his wife staying there as she sadly has dementia, and will not be going home. Peter contacted Steve Beach the Asst Prov Secretary asking if Somerset Freemasons could help by providing some music in the form of a concert. St Cecila being the singing Lodge were asked by Steve, as music is a great way to help people suffering from this dreadful disease. However, Colin Martin the current Prov SGW a member of St Cecilia, said their music may not be suitable but suggested the Trinity Entertainers (A Choir Colin Sings with) would be better and St Cecilia Lodge would pay for all of the expenses. Which was agreed by everyone at the Lodge.

The Prov Senior Grand Warden gets everywhere!
Colin Martin tripping the “Light Fantastic”

So on Tuesday 15th August the Trinity Entertaiers provided a great day for all full of fun and revelry and enjoyed by everyone (well apart from one chap who was a little overcome with out all and fell asleep during Colin’s party piece)

The day was a great success, so much so that they have been asked to return in December to perform their Christmas concert.

Well done to Colin and everyone at St Cecilia (and of course the Trinity Entertainers) for providing this superb day and showing how much good Masonry can provide, in all ways!

Article submitted by Colin Martin

Written by Ian Evans

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