Tynte Lodge, the IoM TT and paying Tribute
A recent donation was made by members of the Tynte Lodge to the Isle of Man Hospice, following the news of Brian Cottier passing to the Grand Lodge above.
Brian was a long serving Freemason and member of Tynte Lodge, filling the various roles as well as Master of the Lodge, Secretary and Treasurer. He relocated to the Isle of Man in the mid 90s. When the news of his passing was received, members of the Lodge immediately decided to make a charitable donation to the Hospice, which was Brians last home, as a tribute to Brians service to both Freemasonry and Tynte Lodge.

Sean Jones agreed to present the donation in person during the TT motorcycle races held on the Isle of Man. Sean met with John Knight to present the donation, who said “We would like to say a huge heartfelt thank you to Tynte Lodge Freemasons, who have made a kind donation to us in memory of Brian, who we provided care for”.