Forest of Mendip Raise Bro Welham
The Forest of Mendip held their last meeting of the season on Friday 23rd June, this was a third degree ceremony for Bro David Welham. The Worshipful Master and members of Saltford Lodge paid a fraternal visit as our daughter Lodge .
The Worshipful Master stated that the evenings raffle would be donated to Yatton junior school which received substantial fire damage during the last half term.
The raffle and other donations raised £500, the Worshipful Master of Saltford Lodge W.Bro .Derrick Smith informed the Brethren that they would donate £250 to help the school.
The evening was the last time our chef Sarah would be preparing a dinner for us, as she was retiring, the brethren had a collection for Sarah wising her all the best for the future. The lodge also proposed two joining members and one candidate for initiation. The Worshipful Master Ian Hillman thank everyone for their kind generosity. A wonderful evening to end the season.