Time For a Celebration With Fish and Chips
Bill Knight, a Past Master of The Pilgrim’s Lodge No. 772, who meet in Glastonbury, was presented with a 50 Years in Freemasonry Certificate and Lapel Pin on 16th May by the Provincial Grand Master (PGM), Ray Guthrie. The presentation was unusual, as it was held at the Knight’s Fish and Chip shop in Glastonbury, which has been owned by Bill’s family for well over 100 years. Unfortunately Bill has not been well enough to attend lodge recently, so the PGM arranged to make the presentation at the Fish and Chip shop, next door to where Bill lives. The PGM gave a detailed summary of Bill’s life to date both personal and Masonic. Bill thanked Ray for his kind words and all present for attending a special day in his life. Many congratulations Bill on achieving this wonderful milestone in Masonry.
Article submitted by: Roger Reina