St Cecilia Lodge, visit Torquay for their annual weekend away.
On the weekend of 19th -20th May St Cecilia Lodge, the singing Lodge, had their annual weekend away at the Carlton Hotel, Torquay. With wives, partners and friends having a wonderful time, in glorious sunshine and companionship.

On the Friday night a fun quiz night, followed by a gala dinner on the Saturday.

After dinner, members of St Cecilia, with added guests, entertained everybody with much fun and revelry, which is what the Lodge is well known for. Including the Provincial Grand organist, providing everyone with his rendition of “Mud Glorius Mud”

As ever with Freemasonry, charity is at the heart of what we do, the Lodge raised over £450 this weekend, to donate to St Margarets Hospice, the chosen charity of the current Master, Mike Hoysted and his partner Tracy.

St Cecilia is a vibrant Lodge, who love to sing and entertain, if you have not visited, you would be very welcome. They are also on the look out for new members and initiates, so if you like to sing and fancy a trip to Wedmore, contact their secretary Ian Moore via email or call him on 01793 827754