The Right Worshipful Mayor of Bath takes the Chair
During a reception at the Mayor’s Parlour, attended by members of St Alphege Lodge to celebrate their Centenary, an invitation to visit the Bath Masonic Hall was extended to the Mayor of Bath, Councillor Rob Appleyard:

The Mayor recently managed to squeeze it into his busy schedule and Vince Baughan, Master Elect of The Royal Cumberland Lodge, Tour Guide extraordinaire and recently recruited Mace Bearer, kindly volunteered to conduct a private tour for the Mayor, which he found fascinating, informative and entertaining.
The tour included a brief introduction to the Lodges and the history of Freemasonry in Bath; with Vince standing proudly with the Mayor under the Past Masters’ Board of his Lodge, no doubt looking forward to seeing his own name added next year:

Taking in the splendour of the main Lodge Room, the Mayor was eager to try the Chair for size:

And a visit to the Chapel behind the stage provided another photo opportunity and prompted a conversation regarding the City Sword, modelled on that of Bladud:

Followed by a look at all the regalia on display in the Museum:

At the end of the tour the Mayor was presented with a Guide Book by David Hogg, a Mayor’s Officer and Past Master of St Alphege Lodge:

For more information on the public guided tours, visit: