Lodge News
A busy and happy gathering at The Royal Cumberland Lodge

On Thursday 4th May 2023, at the Masonic Hall in Bath, Worshipful Master Craig Harding passed Brother Ryan Real to the degree of Fellowcraft.
The lodge also welcomed a fraternal visit from Alfred the Great Lodge No. 8617, led by their Worshipful Master Alex Briggs, and Ashdown Lodge No. 8592, led by their Worshipful Master Darren Bond.
Brother Vincent Baughan was balloted for and became Worshipful Master Elect of the Lodge. His installation will be held on Thursday 5th October 2023.
Pictured Back Centre : WBro Craig Harding, on his right, Bro Vincent Baughan
Front, fourth from left : W Bro Darren Bond, WM of Ashdown Lodge No. 8592.
Front, fourth from right : Bro Ryan Real, newly passed to the degree of Fellowcraft.