Exmoor’s Quadruple Celebration!!
The April meeting of Exmoor Lodge 2390 at Minehead was a rather special evening.
So special, in fact, that a rather splendid cake was baked to mark the occasion!

Minehead Masonic Hall in Bancks St was completed in 1896 and then subsequently Dedicated by RW Bro. Lord Dungarvan, PGM for Somerset, on 18th June that year.
Those of you who have visited the Hall may not realise that the current first floor dining room, measuring just 30′ x 29′, with its 16′ high ceiling, was originally the Lodge Room.
The large ground floor Lodge Room, now entered seamlessly from the hallway is, in fact, an addition that was built onto the rear of the building in 1923, on what was originally the Masonic Hall’s garden.
A very full report in the local newspaper regarding the 1896 Dedication actually states ‘Should Masonry continue to prosper in Minehead, sufficient land has been secured to enable a larger Lodge Room to be built at the back of the present Hall.’
Victorian forward-planning in action!!
Fast-forward a hundred years and the second and third reasons for celebration at this meeting was for the Lodge to Pass Bro. Peter Welch to the Degree of a Fellowcraft, after which, our current PGM RW Bro. Ray Guthrie presented Exmoor Lodge member, W. Bro Roger Read, with his 50 Years Veterans Certificate.
Roger, a retired Police Officer, joined the Lodge in 2018 on relocation to the town from Cornwall.
The Brethren thoroughly enjoyed the verbal exchanges between the PGM and Roger during the certificate presentation.
And if all that wasn’t enough, Exmoor Lodge was further delighted to receive a number of visiting Brethren from Royal Edward Lodge 4140, meeting at Avonmouth in the Province of Gloucestershire. One of their number, W Bro. John Patching, also a joining-member of Exmoor Lodge since 2011, was with them, having been unable to attend for a few years due to health issues suffered by his wife and himself. It was great to see him there again!
A reciprocal visit to Royal Edward Lodge by the Brethren of Exmoor Lodge is anticipated.

John Patching (Centre) with the visiting Brethren from Royal Edward Lodge

The Festive Board that followed was very lively and culminated with PGM Ray Guthrie cutting the Lodge Room’s rather splendid 100th anniversary fruit cake, which was then shared amongst those gathered.
No names, but some Brethren managed to find room for a second piece. It was that good!!
A fulsome and very enjoyable meeting, upholding the very finest traditions of Freemasonry in the town.