Queen’s College 6988 Installation Report

Dr Lindsay Edmunds with his new team of Queen’s College officers
On the 18th March, Queen’s College’s current Worshipful Master Ray Conneely under the watchful eye of Assistant PGM Tony Guthrie proceeded to install Dr Lindsay Edmunds according to the Queen’s College 6988 ‘Extended Working of a Board of Installed Masters’. At the conclusion of the ceremony, Dr Lindsay thanked (now IPM) Ray and invited Tony Guthrie to present Ray with a refurbished Queen’s 6988 Past Master Jewel donated back to the lodge by David Simpson, the original recipient following his year as Master in 1986.

Dr Lindsay is photographed flanked by Tony Guthrie and Ray Conneely with (L-R) Andy Humphries, Jonathan Dolling and Dr Keith Pickavance.
At the start of the meeting, Andy Rodgers announced that since Queen’s last meeting, Roger Sawtell, aged 84, passed to the Grand Lodge Above on 30th January after a short illness. He gave a brief eulogy recalling that Roger was at Queen’s 1947-57 and initiated in to Queen’s 6988 in November 1978 following his late father. Roger lived with his wife Ann and family at Hunton in Kent for many years; the Brethren stood to order in silence in respect of Departed Merit.
John Winston was also invited to present a Master Mason’s certificate to Richard Brown. In closing the Lodge, Dr Lindsay invited a guest, Peter Gibson of Unanimity and Sincerity Lodge 261 to sing the National Anthem in Welsh before all followed with the first verse of the National Anthem. Following an excellent Festive Board and ensuing raffle, over £1,000 will be donated in due course to Dr Lindsay’s chosen local charity Open Door, Taunton.
Open Door is a day centre for Taunton’s homeless community and in the first instance it provides a warm welcome, a smile and a hot drink. It works to ensure people have their basic needs met and have showers, a clothing store and provide a laundry facility. They also serve breakfast and lunch with unlimited refills of tea, coffee and juice. This all works to increase people’s self-esteem and gives them a positive sense of belonging to our community. All of this is underpinned by a staff team of three and a huge team of over 45 volunteers. Without their volunteers, and continued support from donors, they would not be able to make such a difference in people’s lives.
Article submitted by: Richard Baker – Queen’s College Comms Officer
Posted by: Ed Richings ACO (SW)