John Ryan becomes a Master Mason after 14 years!

Birnbeck Lodge were pleased to undertake a “Degree by request” on behalf of Llangattock with Howardian Lodge. An interesting story …
Birnbeck Lodge received information from the Province of Somerset regarding John Ryan, who wished to become a joining member, to which the Lodge Secretary thought a “nice easy process”, whilst rubbing his hands together, thinking another member, excellent!
However, this is when things got interesting and obstacles started to appear, firstly John had resigned from his Lodge Howardian in 2009, having already been Passed to the 2nd Degree (apparently as the records only showed his initiation and move to Weston s Mare).
Then to make matters worse Howardian Lodge had handed back their Warrant; as nobody can join a lodge without being a Master Mason, this was a rather large obstacle to overcome. Fortunately our Provincial Secretary Mike Greedy, discovered that Howardian Lodge had merged with Llangattock Lodge. Correspondence then ensued between all the secretaries, taking over 7 months to complete.
Eventually everything required was obtained (including trawling through the minutes of Howardian Lodge, to confirm that John had in fact been passed to the 2nd Degree) and Birnbeck were able to carry out the ceremony, to raise John to the the Degree of a Master Mason
The records were then updated and a “Degree by Request” was initiated between the 2 Masters in Office and John was raised to a Master Mason on the 15th March 2023, some 14 years since he resigned from his Mother Lodge. With Tony Hardy and David Ellis (The Master who originally initiated John) from Howardian and Llangattock Lodge in attendance, history was made.
It is hoped that John can now become a joining member of Birnbeck at the May meeting, the secretary having suitable recovered from this “easy process”