Bridgwater Based Lodges Combine Forces
The Lodge of Perpetual Friendship 135, who meet in Bridgwater recently passed Brother Ricky-Thomas Duke to the degree of a Fellow Craft Freemason on behalf of the Somerset Military Lodge 10021 during an excellent ceremony. The Lodge of Perpetual Friendship considered it an honour to host serving military and veteran military brethren, ensuring the ritual was up to a high standard but more importantly there was also a joyous atmosphere. The Somerset Military Lodge ensured they came well-armed, with both Somerset Assistant Provincial Grand Masters being present – Tony Guthrie and Richard Winter! Needless to say, the Festive Board dining was equally enjoyable, with the whole evening reflecting the very best in Freemasonry with lodges mutually supporting each other, visiting old friends, but also making lots of new ones. Many congratulations to Brother Ricky on your Masonic progression.
The Lodge of Perpetual Friendship was warranted (or formally authorised by the United Grand Lodge of England) in 1764 and is the second oldest craft lodge in Somerset – pre-dated only by The Royal Cumberland Lodge, Bath in 1733. The Somerset Military Lodge is slightly younger, having been warranted in 2022 and although it calls Bridgwater it’s home base, it is a peripatetic lodge, which means it actually plans to meet in various locations within the Province of Somerset.
Article by: Joe Arthurs L135 Lodge Comms Officer
Posted by: Ed Richings ACO (SW)