Great debate at Calderly Chapter meeting.
On the 6th March the Calderly Chapter opened in good order and a wonderful installation ceremony ensued. When all other chapter business dealt with, Neil Hurcum opened the floor for debate, this is what this chapter is designed for debating Royal Arch business for the province of Somerset, it is most wonderful to see this in action, good debate done well, decisions made and ideas for Chapter Liaison Officers to take back to their various Chapters and talk to other companions.
The festive board was quite simply first class as it always is in Clevedon, thanks to Zena the food was exquisite, the wine flowed and Camaraderie ensued.
A good night had by one and all, this is a wonderful order to join, open to all Freemasons from the rank of MM and above, if you are a craft mason and would like to know more about Royal Arch Chapter, contact you Royal Arch Representative via your craft lodge or make contact via The Somerset Royal Arch website here