Another Tick In The Wellington School Lodge’s Register As They Initiate A New Brother.
The Brethren of Wellington School Lodge no. 7230, and their guests, were delighted to receive the Provincial Grand Master, RWBro. Ray Guthrie, who led the Provincial Fraternal Team Visit there on Saturday 18th February.

W.Bro Clive Dunster, PrSGW, and member of 7230, stood-in as Worshipful Master in the absence of W.Bro William Bailey, who was unfortunately injured in a recent motoring accident. W.Bro William was the Initiate’s proposer, as was Bro Chris Leigh-Brown, Senior Warden, who was also absent, due to his wife having Covid.
Having opened the lodge and welcomed the PGM and his Team, WM Clive then called for the Brethren to stand in respect of Departed Merit in order to contemplate the life and sudden, unexpected passing to The Grand Lodge Above, of W.Bro Ken Trump, PPrJGW, aged 89. Ken was a much-respected member of the Lodge for over 40 years and will be sadly missed.
Despite the unavoidable absence of a number of regular Lodge Officers, there was no shortage of willing volunteers, whereupon the Provincial Team were treated to an exceptional Initiation Ceremony.
WM Clive was assisted by W.Bro John Cottrell, who explained the ‘Lesser Lights’. W.Bro Les Neville, standing in as SW, invested Bro Guy with the ‘Badge of an Entered Apprentice’. The ‘Charity Charge’ was delivered by the Lodge Charity Steward, W.Bro Geoff Ash. Fellowcraft of the Lodge, Bro John Caulfield, distinguished himself with an impressive presentation of the ‘Working Tools’ during the ceremony. A near word-perfect ‘Charge after Initiation’ was given by W.Bro Mike Meyrick-Eastick, followed by an exemplary explanation of the ‘First Degree Tracing Board’ by W.Bro Jon Cozens.
Upon completion of the ceremony, a booklet explaining its significance and forthcoming responsibilities to study, was presented to Bro Guy by W.Bro David Flack, PrGMentor.
Around 50 Brethren enjoyed an excellent Festive Board, during which the usual toasts were given, including that to their new-made Brother, Guy, during which a hearty rendition of the ‘Entered Apprentice Song’ was led by W.Bro Phil Taylor, with no musical accompaniment.
Proceeds from the charity collection and prize-draw were directed in support of ‘Shelter Box for The People of Syria & Turkey’ and amounted to £500, which W.Bro Geoff Ash said the Lodge would match from it’s Relief Chest.
The Brethren of Wellington School Lodge thank all those who supported this very enjoyable evening.
The date of their next Regular Meeting is Saturday 15th April 2023.
Submitted by W.Bro Alan Baker. Almoner, Wellington School Lodge 7230.