A Second And Two Firsts For Fidelity And Sincerity Is A Great Result

The Lodge of Fidelity and Sincerity No. 1966 meeting in Wellington, recently conducted a second degree ceremony on behalf of the Somerset Military Lodge, No 10021. This was the first time in living memory that the lodge had carried out a ceremony for another lodge and was also the first passing ceremony for Somerset Military Lodge with their candidate Bro Martin Walsh.
A goodly number of Somerset Military Lodge masons attended, with several participating in the ceremony. Of particular note was the explanation of the long version of the 2nd degree tracing board, carried out by Russ Woodland. This prompted a spontaneous round of applause due to the exemplary way that it was presented and was indeed a treat for all those present.

There followed a sumptuous festive board where the wine flowed and friendships were made and renewed. It was good to see the lodge full and all those present having a jolly old time.
Report by Chris Waterhouse, Fidelity and Sincerity LCO
Posted by Ed Richings ACO (SW)