Taunton Masonic Hall 2022 Open Day Report
On Saturday 24th September 2022, Taunton Masonic Hall opened its grand entrance doors to the general public for its first Open Day since 2017. It was an excellent opportunity for visitors to the Hall, to learn more about what Freemasons do, to show off the recent superb building refurbishments and to present the true facts and bust several myths about Masonry.
The event was run by the Taunton Masonic Liaison Group (TMLG), who were reformed in 2022 to bring together Freemasons from Taunton and surrounding areas to promote Masonry locally for the collective benefit of all. Displays from the Somerset Masonic Cycling Association, The Adair Club, and Teddies For Loving Care, as well as general Masonic information provided a good basis for interaction with the good number of visitors who came for a look round.
Women in Freemasonry was represented by Mrs Frances Crump from Watchet, who engaged with wives and partners to explain how women can becomes Masons too. Light refreshments were provided by Karen and Hayley from the Hall catering team. The Somerset Provincial Gazebo was also sited in Taunton high street to provide positive engagement with the many people who passed by and to bust many a Masonic myth!
The event raised the profile of Freemasonry, has led to several enquiries from potential members and simply allowed visitors to understand what goes on behind those grand entrance doors.
Special thanks go to all the volunteers and to Bro Peter Gibson from Unanimity and Sincerity L261 for project managing the event so successfully.
Report by Bro Ed Richings – TMLG Chairman