The 2021 “Minsters” Meeting

On Tuesday the 14th of June 70 brethren of the three ‘Minster’ Lodges; Nyanza 1196 of Ilminster Somerset, Bedminster Manor Lodge No.1367 of Bedminster, Dorset Lodge of Virtue & Honour No. 494 of Axminster Devon
All assembled at the Masonic Hall in Axminster for the Bi-annual Minster Meeting. This meeting is hosted by one of the three Minster Lodges every other year on the second Tuesday in June.This came about to promote visiting between the Lodges and Provinces because all three normally meet on the Second Tuesday of the Month so preventing regular visiting.
In addition to the Brethren of the Lodge the Provincial Grand Masters of the three provinces all attended along with their Deputies and in the case os Somerset, an Assistant PGM and both active Wardens.
As with all of the other Minster meetings it was a very convivial evening with the Worshipful Master and Members of Lodge of Vitue & Honor ably Passing Brother Graham Bayett to the Degree of a Fellowcraft on behalf of the Bedminster Manor Lodge.
Due to the Covid restrictions this meeting should have been held last year but wasn’t so next year it is the turn of Somerset and Nyanza Lodge to host the 2023 Minster Meeting on the second Tuesday in June