Olympian 9703 Dedicate a New Lodge Banner
Somersets sportsmens lodge, Olympian 9703, welcomed the Deputy PGM V.W.Bro. Ben Batley and the Provincial Team to Nailsea Masonic Hall last night (Friday 10th June) to dedicate a new lodge banner.
The evening started with the Worshipful Master, Steve Thomas, leading his fellow Olympians in an Initiation of our newest member Mr Gary Kitchen, a well known local rugby player. The Deputy PGM then invited the Assistant Provincial Grand Master, W.Bro. Tony Guthrie, to take the chair and he proceeded to perform an impressive dedication ceremony. The Provincial Chaplain, W.Bro. Bob Moore delivered a very interesting and thought provoking Oration which was perfectly judged for the occasion.
The 75 brethren present then enjoyed an excellent festive board during which a raffle raised an impressive £400 which will go towards the WM’s chosen charity, The Disabled Golf Association.
When the lodge was formed in 2000 a banner was made but the design didn’t really do the lodge justice, the central image often being compared to “a fat bloke in a nappy”. W.Bro. Bob Williams who had until this year been the lodge Treasurer, offered to fund a new banner in memory of his late wife, Liz, an offer that was gratefully received by the members.
The then Secretary, W.Bro. Arnie Mason, and W.Bro. Bob collaborated on a much more suitable design, the result of which has been enthusiastically received by the members of Olympian Lodge. It was especially poignant that Bob should have been the Banner Bearer during the ceremony and the result of his love and generosity is now proudly on display at Nailsea.