Tynte Loge Installation 2022

A total of 45 Brethren, including 16 visitors, assembled to witness Alan Chambers being installed as Worshipful Master of the Tynte Lodge No 7994 in Bridgwater recently. The ceremony was presided over by the Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Benjamin Batley, who was also present when Alan was initiated into the Lodge in 2016.
Alan was installed by Martin Poynter-Smith who was assisted by several members of the Lodge, including Angus Russell, who, only 3 months following his initiation, presented the 1st Degree working tools in excellent style.
As a memento of the occasion, a group photograph of those present was taken after the Lodge closed, before all retired to the dining room to a splendid festive board.

Martin Poynter-Smith, Lodge Communications Officer
Photography by Les Pickersgill