Showmen’s Guild lodge No 9089 January meeting

January meeting the Showmen’s Guild Lodge planned to raise bro Charles Henderson, sadly COVID decided to get involved and Bro Charles was unable to attend (no symptoms). The plan was for his father W Bro Edward Henderson to take the chair and raise his son as he did his brother Edward Jnr several years prior. But that will now be a store for another evening, instead we took the opportunity as a lodge to recognise W Bro Edward Henderson Snr for the recent announcement that he and his wife Sandra had been made life time members of the Showmen’s Guild which is a tremendous honour.
Our lodge takes its name from the guild which was founded in 1889 as the Van Dwellers Protection Association, the guild helped identifying their lifestyle as a culture rather than an occupation, leading to the idea of travelling showmen being a cultural group. Becoming the Showmen’s Guild in 1917 and recognised as the trade association for all travelling funfair businesses. So to receive this honour in recognition of services given to the guild is a true honour.
Also at the meeting we were given the pleasure of the company of the Assistant Provincial Grand Master W Bro Martin Slocombe who delivered a tremendous rendition of the walking charge to the delight of the brethren present and the many that had never seen it performed before. Above all a real pleasurable evening that was changed the day before.
W Bro Nathan Henderson Worshipful Master The Showmen’s Guild Lodge No 9089