Brother Mel Giles celebrates 60 years in Masonry
At the February meeting of Abbey Lodge at Keynsham, Brother Mel Giles received his certificate celebrating his 60 years in Freemasonry from V.W.Bro Ray Guthrie. Despite never going through the Chair of the Lodge Mel has been an active member throughout his sixty years, serving for some time as the Lodge almoner.

Mel was well known in nearby Brislington as the local newsagent, having run Giles Newsagents in Broomhill Road for many years. The shop still bears the same name although Mel is no longer involved.
In presenting the certificate V.W.Bro Ray remembered his first visit to Keynsham some forty years ago when he first met Brother Mel at the meeting of Carnarvon Mark Lodge. At the time W.Bro Arthur Forse was in the Chair, Arthur was an enthusiastic Mason who became DC and then APGM in the Craft. There were some reminiscences about some of those who have now gone on to the Grand Lodge Above.
Mel was well supported by the members of his other Lodge, Sir Isaac Newton Lodge who had joined him for this special occasion.
After the Presentation the Master, W.Bro Peter Kilday and his team of officers performed an excellent first degree demonstration in Bristol working, with W.Bro Tony Guthrie acting as candidate.