9011Lodge News
Bro Neil Bryant is Raised To Master Mason
Wraxall Lodge held their first meeting of 2022 on Saturday the 8th January this was an extra meeting to catch up with ceremonies that where delayed due to Covid-19, and Brother Neil Bryant took his third regular step in Freemasonry.
Neil was initiated on the 1st of March 2019 and can be seen in the picture with his proposer Bro Mark Knight.
As this was an extra meeting the festive Board was a White Table evening and was supported with 48 dinning a big thankyou to the partners and visitors who helped to make this a special evening, and a big thankyou to Sam for providing excellent food.
Wraxall will be well rehearsed in this ceremony as there are another 3 Brothers waiting to be raised this year, the next one being the 4th of February.