Lodge Uno Corde Installation – A Family Affair!
Since moving from London to Somerset in 2003 Lodge Uno Corde has continued to thrive as a daylight Lodge. The Lodge meets four times a year and has always maintained the practice of having wives and partners at the Festive Board. The Installation on Saturday 18th September departed from that tradition, due to the continuing effects of the recent pandemic it was felt necessary to restrict the numbers dining.

However, twenty two brethren were present today to witness W.Bro Val Cooke install W.Bro Michael Adams as the new Master of the Lodge. Michael was the first Master of the Lodge when it moved to Somerset in 2003 and has lost none of his enthusiasm for the Lodge since then! He then went on to appoint his officers, including his son Tim as DC and grandson James as Senior Deacon, as the Provincial Grand Master David Medlock commented, it’s a real family affair!
The Lodge had a surprise and very welcome visitor, Brother Adrian Bligh. It’s not strictly correct to call Adrian a visitor as he is a member of the lodge, initiated into Lodge Uno Corde in 2004 by the then Master, Michael Adams! Adrian moved to Nova Scotia in Canada eleven years ago, he has remained a loyal member but this is the first time he has been able to attend a meeting since his move. It was a great meeting enjoyed by all fortunate enough to attend.