Taunton Couple Sky Dives for ‘The Brain Tumour Charity’
Taunton Freemason, Matt Potter, a member of Vivary Lodge No.8654 and his wife Jennifer took to the skies to raise money and awareness for ‘The Brain Tumour Charity’.

On 5th June 2021 Matt and Jennifer jumped 15000 feet from an aircraft above Dunkeswell, enduring one whole minute falling through the sky and plummeting towards Earth at 120 miles per hour. Both landed safely!
Why did they undertake such a challenge to raise money? Well, Matt takes up the story.
“In April 2018 my wife’s good friend Tracy was sadly diagnosed with a stage 4 Brain Tumour, which didn’t sound good. Sadly, after a short while Tracy learnt that this was terminal and that she only had a short time to live.
Tracy was an amazing mum and friend. Jen had lived with her when they were holiday rep’s together. Sadly, she was only very young when she told us this terrible news and within a short few months Tracy had passed away, leaving behind a young daughter and lots of family and friends. It was during these last few months that Tracy was cared for and helped as much as possible. The Brain Tumour Charity played a big role is this.

Lead by Jen, we decided to try and make as much money as we could for the charity and we knew it would have to be something massive. Why? Because we know Tracy would have done the same. At the time, Jen had also been very poorly for some months and was unable to attempt anything like this. It was to be a few years until she became well enough herself to attempt it. Booked in and ready to go, Covid struck! So here we are a year on and have finally done it. Thankfully we both landed safely and, quite honestly, had the most amazing experience of our lives in aid of such a great cause.”
In support of Matt’s determination to succeed in his money raising quest, Vivary Lodge was pleased to donate £500 to his nominated charity and, to date, Matt and Jennifer have raised over £1,100
Matt said “Sadly, many people die of brain tumours and The Brain Tumour Charity is not massive like some other charities but still deals with trauma daily. We would like to say a massive thank you to everyone that has donated to this very worthy cause, especially the Taunton Freemasons at Vivary Lodge for such an amazing donation, without which we would not have reached our target.”
Article Submitted By Bro. Mike Marshall. Vivary Lodge 8654 LCO.
Posted by W.Bro. Andy Baird. PGLS ACO SW.