Christmas Donations in Weston
Members of the King Alfred Masonic lodge in Weston decided that as they were not actually meeting each other to give Christmas cards they would have a communal Christmas card that a few members would deliver to everyone in the hope they would in return donate either children’s Christmas presents or donations to the Weston food bank.
This proved very successful as many members purchased suitable Children’s presents for different ages, where some members, wishing to remain at home under the present situation, decided they would donate cash for their presents to be purchased. The cash generated a further 20 Goody bags to go with the other presents which were then all delivered to the Salvation army for distribution.
In the spirit of Christmas many members also made food donations which were delivered to the Weston food bank, and the lodge is looking to continue this practice next year. During normal situations, the lodge will regularly raise funds to donate to local charities, something that has been prevented for the past year.