Covid_19Lodge News
Vivary Lodge Support The Homeless In Taunton
Taunton’s Vivary Lodge 8654 is pleased to make a donation to support the work of ARC in tackling homelessness. ARC, formerly known as Taunton Association for the Homeless, strives to give homeless people a safe and supportive environment.
A cheque for £500 was presented on behalf of the Brethren of Vivary Lodge by W Bro. John Rudge.
Accompanied by the Lodge’s Charity Steward, W Bro Henry Besley, he was given a tour of Lindley House including the recently opened GP’s Surgery which is a new local provision providing homeless individuals and rough sleepers access to health care.
Photo – W Bro John Rudge and ARC’s Rosie Hather at Lindley House.

Item supplied by W Bro Mike Marshall LCO Vivary Lodge No. 8654.
Posted by W Bro Andy Baird. PGLS SW ACO.