Philip Cleverdon is honoured by Estune Lodge

Philip Cleverdon PPrJGW has served Estune Lodge as its Treasurer for the past 20 years, but because of poor health he is now forced to stand down. To mark the occasion the lodge had decided to make a presentation to him at the next Lodge meeting, but because they have been unable to meet for some months, and following a Zoom discussion with the Lodge committee, they decided to make the presentation at his home soonest, as Philip is now quite unwell.
Arrangements were made for Friday 24th July, after consulting with his wife Ruth as to what he would like. Attending and making this well earned token of our appreciation were our WM W.Bro Jason Hill, W.Bro Martin Slocombe assist PGM, W.Bro Richard Ellis PAGDC and W.Bro John W Wyatt PPrJGW.
The carefully worded certificate was mounted in a beautiful frame and Philip was delighted with the surprise. We also presented a bouquet of flowers to his wife Ruth in appreciation of her support and advice.