“WE’LL MEET AGAIN” say masons in Langport
“WE’LL MEET AGAIN” say Langports Rose & Portcullis Lodge as they Remember VE Day
Portcullis 2038 lit up Langports night sky in celebration of VE day on May 8th. The Union Flag was projected onto the side of the building and attracted a number of people – suitably socially distancing of course!
Lodge Secretary Ian Moore said “We had been planning a street party with people dressed up in the clothing of the period, however this obviously had to be abandoned so we used the projector instead. We are keen to keep in touch with as many of our members as possible and celebrating an historic event using our Lodge building shows people that we are still here at the ‘centre of the known universe’!
The picture shows Mike Norton outside the Chapel looking down at the banner that boldly states ‘Langport – We’ll Meet Again’ – and rest assured – THEY WILL!
By Barry Davies