Quantock Lodge Completes Hall Building Works.
The Brethren of Quantock Lodge 4446 are pleased to announce that the one storey extension to the rear of their Watchet Masonic Hall (WMH) is now complete.
W.Bro’s Dougie Towells and Roger Biss (pictured) managed to complete the finishing touches by fitting the cupboards in the extension’s new robing room in time for the Lodge meeting on Wednesday 5th February 2020.
The work has been completed in a relatively short period of time since October 2019

The extension to the Masonic Hall was made possible by the generosity of an anonymous donor which, in turn, was augmented by further donations to the building fund by the Brethren of Quantock and their guests through various fundraising events.
The latest of these was the occasion of the Burns Supper held at WMH on 25th January, where the Lodge entertained over 60 members, their families and friends.
Apart from the usual Dingle Burns’ fare of haggis, neeps and tatties, the company enjoyed music from Jules on violin, Stephen on accordion (pictured) and with Fred Bacon on pipes. A successful evening was had by all and the generosity of those gathered raised a tidy sum for local charities as well as the WMH building fund.

As Quantock Lodge approaches its Centenary in April 2023, these recent works complete the latest stage in the programme of modernisation, begun in 2012. The Lodge now can now boast full disability access and much improved storage space to further increase the comfort of members and guests.
A huge amount of thanks are due to all those who have contributed, either financially or with their valuable time and practical expertise, not forgetting the Brethren from our neighbouring Lodges who frequently attend our meetings and support our social fundraising events.
Submitted by W.Bro Alex Moran. WM and LCO, Quantock Lodge 4446.
Posted by W.Bro Andy Baird. PGLS ACO SW.