Lodge News

Showmen’s Guild Lodge hold special meeting

On Thursday 17th January, The Showmen’s Guild Lodge 9089 held a very successful raising and initiation ceremony in the presence of W Bro David Medlock and a Fraternal Visit from Admiral Blake Lodge 4692.

The Lodge Tyled early to raise Bro Brandon Fullwood, after which the Lodge was called off for a short period to allow the brethren to take refreshment. The Worshipful Master W Bro Edward Henderson then called the Lodge on and proceeded to initiated his son Bro Charles Henderson into freemasonry. Ensuring that this was a memorable evening for the initiate, the worshipful master was assisted by his other son Bro Edward Henderson, the Senior Warden, who invested the initiate with distinguishing badge of a mason, bringing the total number of Henderson in the lodge to seven, and complicating the secretaries job even more.

The Worshipful Master and the Officers of the Lodge, some of the officer being called upon at short notice, delivered two memorable ceremonies, and for those present it was an experience which I doubt will be seen often.

Pictured L to R are Bro Charles Henderson (Initiate), W Bro Edward Henderson (Worshipful Master) and Bro Edward Henderson (Senior Warden).  

Kevin Dean 

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