The Centre
Eight Lodges meet at The Masonic Hall, Old Orchard Street Bath BA1 1JU. This beautiful listed building, formerly the original Theatre Royal is in the centre of Bath just two minutes walk from the railway station. The illustration on the right shows the theatre circa 1805. The appearance of the building has changed little in the intervening 220 years. A visit to this Masonic hall is a must for anyone interested in the history of this Georgian City.
For details of guided tours of the building follow this link to the Old Theatre Royal website. The Old Theatre Royal
Did you know: Most Prestonion Lectures have involved members of Quatour Coronati Lodge No 2076.
W Bro Martin D Cox is the the Regional Secretary for the UK and British Isles, and a long time member of Royal Cumberland Lodge No 41, which meets at the Masonic Centre in Bath. Anyone wishing to become a member of the Correspondence Circle for Quatour Coronati Lodge can contact Martin.
QUATUOR CORONATI Lodge No. 2076 is the premier Lodge of Masonic Research. All Master Masons, Lodges and Chapters are cordially invited to become members of the Correspondence Circle. Members are invited to attend all the Meetings of the Lodge and to submit questions of a Masonic nature, to which considered replies will be given. Members also annually receive a copy of the Transactions of the Lodge.
The subscription is due on 1st November each year and is £35.00.
For details, please contact W Bro Martin D Cox PPrSGW (Regional Secretary for UK and Ireland)
01792 927602 / 07766 018850
The Lodges
Royal Cumberland Lodge No. 41
Regular meetings: the first Thursday at 18.15hrs of Oct – Installation 16.45, Nov, Dec, Feb, Mar, Apr (2nd Tues) May,
Royal Cumberland is the oldest Lodge in Bath and indeed in Somerset. It can trace it’s history back to 1732 when members gathered for their meetings in the Bear Inn
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Alan Morsley
Royal Sussex Lodge No. 53
Regular meetings: the first Monday of Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Oct, Nov at 18:30 – Installation Dec at 18.00.
The Lodge that is now known as Royal Sussex Lodge No53 was founded in Bath and like many Lodges of the time has a rich and chequered history. As was common in those days the Lodge met in various hostelries and latterly in the first, and purpose built, Masonic Hall in Bath situated in York Street (now the Friends Meeting House). The Lodge was Warranted in 1812 when the Members applied to the then Grand Master, HRH The Duke of Sussex, for the honour to use his name.
When events led to the closure of the Masonic Hall the Lodge resumed meeting in various other locations in Bath. In 1863 following various re-organisations and the creation of United Grand Lodge the Royal Sussex Lodge was re-numbered 53, the number it bears to this day.
In 1866 several prominent Members of the Lodge were instrumental in purchasing the First Theatre Royal, that was vacant following the move of the Catholic Church to the newly constructed St John’s Church, to create the current Masonic Hall in Old Orchard Street.
The present-day Lodge still meets in Old Orchard Street with a Membership made up of men from varied walks of life, ages and experience but who all share a love of Freemasonry and a desire to preserve the rich history of the Lodge and traditions of Freemasonry.
We welcome new members who would like to be part of this rich heritage. All who join or visit Royal Sussex No53 can be sure the will receive a warm welcome
Contact the Lodge Secretary: John Nicholson
Lodge of Honour No 379
Regular meetings: the second Monday at 18.30hrs Feb, Mar, Oct, Nov, Dec – Installation 17.00
The Lodge dates back to 1825 and has a long and distinguished history. More details can be found on the Lodge of Honour web site
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Samuel Tan
Royal Albert Edward Lodge No. 906
Regular meetings: the fourth Wednesday at 18.30hrs Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, Sep, Oct – Installation 17.00 and Dec (1st Wednesday)
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Jason Leake
Somerset Masters’ Lodge No 3746
Regular meetings: the last Monday in February at 11.00 am and the last working day in October at 11.00 am
Although the Lodge has its home at Bath meetings are held at various venues throughout the Province.
The aims and objectives of the Somerset Masters’ Lodge are to provide the opportunity for Masters in Office, Past Masters, Rulers of the Craft and other Orders to meet in an informal and relaxed atmosphere. Further to encourage interest in all aspects of Freemasonry and to promote discussion, debate and Masonic research.
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Steve Chapman
Visit our provincial page here
visit our lodge Website
St Alphege Lodge No 4095
Regular meetings: the first Saturday at 18.00hrs Oct, Nov, Dec, Feb, Mar, Apr – Installation,16.30
St Alphege is a fairly large Lodge and proud to be a member of the Universities Scheme which provides us with a steady stream of younger members who mix seamlessly with our older Brethren.
The Masonic Year for our Lodge starts in October and ends in April with the Installation of our new Master; during the summer months he prepares for his first Ceremony which for many years has been an Initiation (of at least one Candidate!) We continue to meet through the winter on the first Saturday evening of the month.
Fraternal visits have been held with Eldon Lodge 1755 of Clevedon for a number of years and are eagerly anticipated.
Additionally we hold a number of social events during the year; the Partners’ Festival, summer barbeque and annual Carol Service being regular occurrences.
Visitors to St Alphege Lodge are ensured of a warm welcome and an opportunity to witness our extended Royal Cumberland Workings.
Contact the LodgeSecretary: Jeff Penfold
Visit the Lodge web site
Elizabethan Lodge No. 7296
Regular meetings: the first Tuesday of: Feb, Mar, Oct -Installation, Nov, Dec. Normally at 6.15 pm (times may vary slightly)
The youngest Lodge meeting in Bath, the Elizabethan Lodge was Consecrated on 24 November 1953, shortly after the Coronation of HM Queen Elizabeth II.
There is an informal Lodge of Instruction on the second Thursday in January, February, March, September, October and November
Contact the Lodge Secretary: Ed Richmond
Chapters Meeting in Bath
Royal Cumberland Chapter 41
Meets at – The Masonic Hall, Old Orchard Street, Bath BA1 1JU at 18:15 except
November on the third Tuesday. Months – February, March, April, October and November (18:00).
Consecrated 1782 Meets at the Masonic Hall, Old Orchard Street, Bath. The Minute Book of the Oldest Chapter in Somerset begins with an entry dated January 11th 1782, that states, ”The Chapter Harmony was opened; the three Principals, three Sojourners and two Scribes were present two Brethren were Exalted and the Janitor appointed. The Chapter closed in Harmony”. The Chapter and Royal Cumberland Lodge are named after Prince Henry Frederick, Duke of Cumberland & Strathearn, KG, who was the fourth son and sixth child of HRH Frederick Louis Prince of Wales and Princess Augusta. He was the grandson of King George II of Great Britain and Caroline of Ansbach.
To Find out more about The Royal Cumberland Chapter email 📧 Scribe E- Jeffrey Penfold or Visit our Chapter Page by clicking here
Royal Sussex Chapter 53
Meets at – The Masonic Hall, Old Orchard Street, BathBA1 1JU at 18:30
on the third Monday. Months –January, March & October.
Consecrated 29th October 1818Meets at the Masonic Hall, Old Orchard Street, Bath. By the mid eighteenth century there were two rival Grand Lodges, one, familiarly known as the Moderns, which regarded the Royal Arch ceremony as unnecessary and completely separate from the Craft Degree. The other, the Ancients, regarded it as an essential part of Craft working. These two Grand Lodges were at odds until their unification as the United Grand Lodge of England in 1813. It was H R H Augustus Frederick, Duke of Sussex, the sixth son of King George III whose efforts resulted in the reconciliation and union of the Ancients and Moderns.
To find out more about the Royal Sussex Chapter email 📧 Scribe -E- John Nicholson or Visit or Chapter page by clicking Here
St Keyna Chapter 1833
Meets at – The Masonic Hall, Bath Road, Keynsham, BS31 1SR at 18:30 on the second Thursday.
Months – March, May, October and November.
Consecrated 18th October 1930 Meets at The Masonic Hall, Bath Road, Keynsham. Freemasonry first came to Keynsham in 1879 when a Warrant was issued for the consecration of St Keyna Lodge No.1833. It met in a room at the Lamb and Lark Public House, which was located at the junction of Temple Street and High Street. The Pub was owned by Georges Bristol Brewery and was demolished to make way for the building of a Key Market store in the 1960’s and is now the site of the Iceland Store. The Lamb and Lark was the home of the St. Keyna Lodge and subsequently St. Keyna Chapter until they both moved to the purpose build Masonic Hall at the eastern end of Bath Road in September 1940.
To find out more about St Keyna Chapter email 📧 Scribe -E- Barry McCormack or Visit our Chapter page by clicking Here
St Luke’s Chapter 6540
Meets at – The Masonic Hall, Old Orchard Street, Bath BA1 1JU at 18.30
on the third Wednesday. Months – February, March, October and November.
Consecrated 7th May 1949 Meets at The Masonic Hall, Old Orchard Street, Bath. The history of St Luke’s Chapter is inevitably wrapped up in the Admiralty’s decision to move its operations to the comparative safety of the City of Bath at the outbreak of the Second World War in 1939 and its post-war decision to remain in Bath. Among those Admiralty employees involved in this move were a number of Freemasons from 14 different Lodges, who being unable to attend their Lodges, found Masonic companionship by meeting together for informal rehearsals in St Luke’s Church Hall at Wellsway, Bath.
To find out more about St Luke’s Chapter email 📧 Scribe -E- Richard Simmerson or visit our Chapter page by clicking Here
Abbey Chapter 4491
Meets at – The Masonic Hall, Bath Road, Keynsham, Bristol, BS31 1SR at 18:30 on the second Thursday in April and the second Friday in June and November.
Consecrated 28th March 1992Meets at The Masonic Hall, Bath Road, Keynsham. In 1992 there were nine Craft Lodges meeting at Keynsham Masonic Hall and there was just one Royal Arch Chapter and it was felt that there was a real need for a second one. It fell to the Brethren of Abbey Lodge No 4491 to be the sponsoring Lodge and eventually the petition was signed and forwarded to Supreme Grand Chapter who were pleased to issued the Charter for The Abbey Chapter No 4491.
To find out more about The Abbey Chapter email 📧 Scribe -E- Simon Sparkes or Visit our Chapter page by clicking Here
The Dunckerley Club
The objective of the Dunckerley Club is to support the elder Brethren who perhaps don’t attend or are unable to visit Lodges in the evenings. The Dunckerley Club relies heavily upon the North East Somerset Almoners and the Brethren in general to promote the Club and it’s objectives under the auspices of the newly formed Somerset Masonic Friendship Association (SMFA)
For more information or to book in for the next meeting contact David Hogg.
The last three Meetings of the Dunckerley Club in Bath have been a great success and very happy occasions, where old friends met together to catch up with news and did a bit of reminiscing.
The name of the Club has been formally adopted as it recognises a man who did so much for Freemasonry in his time, as have our older Brethren, in theirs.
V W Bro Denis Calderley is our Chairman, which neatly mirrors his responsibility for the North East Area of the Somerset Masonic Friendship Association.
Indeed, recognising the geographic coverage of SMFA(NE) it is an appropriate time to expand our horizons and we now plan to meet in rotation at other venues in the area; starting with our next Meeting on Saturday 15th November, in Keynsham. Again, younger Brethren are encouraged to seek out and accompany an older Brother but wives, partners, widows and non-masonic friends will also be made very welcome.
Disabled Access – Cloakroom, dedicated disabled toilet, and the Lodge Room are all available on the ground floor. Access to the bar and dining room on the first floor is by a newly installed lift, as is the Museum in the Vaults below
Directions – The Masonic Hall is in Old Orchard Street off Henry St. limited street parking. From North & East (M4/A46/A4) enter on A4. Follow Bristol signs. At Railway over bridge turn right (signed City Centre). At junction turn left into Manvers St. Public car park is 150 metres on left. From South East enter on A36. Follow City Centre as above. From South enter on A367. Follow City Centre signs to Dorchester St. and pass Bus Station. Turn left at Railway Station into Manvers St. public car park 200 metres on right. From South West/West (A37/A39/A4) enter on A39-A4-A36. Keep on A36 to Churchill River Bridge then follow City Centre to Bus Station as above. Additional parking beneath Southgate Shopping Centre (entrance immediately after pedestrian crossing at junction of A367 Corn St. with Dorchester St.).
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