Chapter Marine No. 232

Meets at – The Masonic Hall, Albert Road, Clevedon, BS21 7RN, at 18:30 on the third
Thursday in March, the second Tuesday in May and the second Thursday in October.
Months – March, May and October.

Chapter Marine is forward looking, and aims to remain relevant into the future. The Chapter positively embraces new and interesting ways of experiencing the ritual of the Royal Arch in a friendly and relaxed way. Non-detracting innovation is encouraged. From early days, the Chapter has shared the work of the Principals and the Sojourners both upstairs and downstairs, and this sharing has now been further extended to involve more parts of the ritual and more members. The dining is well known for its international theme, including Indian, Italian, French, Chinese, and even English cuisine, whilst time is marked with a ship’s bell. The toast involving Mother Chapters is thought to be unique amongst Royal Arch Chapters

Some history

Consecrated 20th January 1990 at Portishead Meets at the Masonic Hall, Albert Road, Clevedon.

Chapter Marine No. 232, meeting at Clevedon Masonic Hall, was consecrated in 1990 and originally met in neighbouring Portishead. Although a relatively new Chapter its distinguished place amongst the most senior Chapters in the Province is derived from the Chapters attachment to Lodge Maine, which was founded in 1760 and until 1975 met in Calcutta, India, in the Masonic District of Bengal.

Those of you who do not have a close association with this Chapter may still refer to it as Marine Chapter. That, after all, was its name at the time of its consecration and how it was known for many years. The change of name followed the death Chapter’s first Director of Ceremonies, Ex. Comp. Dr Navzar Surti. He was highly respected and it was in his memory that the Chapter was re-named Chapter Marine in the Indian tradition. Although Lodge Marine was officially constituted in Calcutta, India in 1801 under a Warrant issued by the Ancients Grand Lodge, it was working from 1760 under a Warrant issued by the Lodge of True Friendship No. 218. The founder members of Lodge Marine were Coastguards and the Lodge took its name from its close association with the sea. 

Chapter Marine is the third Chapter to be attached to Lodge Marine and was formed following the Lodge’s move to Great Britain.  It was not until 1839 that a Charter was issued by Supreme Grand Chapter associating Lodge Marine with the Chapter of Hope, but unfortunately, within a few short years, support for the Chapter of Hope dwindled amongst members of Chapter Marine and on the 19th August 1847 a Charter of Conformation was issued by Supreme Grand Chapter associating it with the Lodge Industry and Perseverance.

In 1949 another Royal Arch connection was made when Chapter Sinai, was attached to Lodge Marine. Both Lodge and Chapter were early casualties of falling Masonic membership that accompanied Indian Independence in 1949. Although the Minute Books of this Chapter are not available there is anecdotal evidence that it was well supported by members of Marine Lodge during the 1950’s and 1960’s.

On Saturday the 20th September 1990 Brethren from all over the country came together at Portishead Masonic Hall where the M.E. Grand Superintendent, Thomas A Hughes consecrated Marine Chapter No. 232. He was assisted by the Provincial Officers including his 2nd Provincial Principal E. Comp. Sid Eydmann and 3rd Provincial Principal E. Comp Ken Ball.

To find out more about Chapter Marine email 📧 Scribe E – Andy Wade

Chapter Marine News

August 2023 – Chapter Marine helps the Clevedon food bank.

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