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Connaught Lodge And The Positivity Of Community Engagement.

Brethren, please take the time to read this short letter of thanks received by Connaught Lodge, Midsomer Norton. You may already be aware of Connaught’s continued support of the Swallow Forest Group, as previously reported in these pages during the past year or so, since the joint £5000 grant was made to Swallow by the Somerset Masonic Charity (SMC) and Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) back in February last year.

Jade Ogden, Events Fundraiser for the Swallow charity, based at Midsomer Norton & Radstock, set up in support of teenagers and adults with learning difficulties, keeps in touch with Lodge members through their Charity Steward, Chris James, who is also the Lodge Comms Officer.

This update from Jade clearly highlights the importance of Masonic community engagement and the lasting difference it can make when that initial contact is backed-up with continued support, provided in its many meaningful forms. It is reproduced here in full……………

“Happy New Year, I hope all is well with you and everyone at the Connaught Lodge. I wanted to get back in touch to let you know how well the Forest Group has been going.  The group has grown steadily through the year and there are now seven members, some of whom have struggled to attend groups in the past but are absolutely loving this group.  We believe there is something extra special about this opportunity to get together as men (it has been only men who have happened to join the group so far!) and share experiences in the outdoors.

As well as creating a lovely useable space in the woods by building steps, coat-hooks and a fire area, they have also put together a new shed, walked in the Ammerdown Woods, visited Stockhill Woods for pond dipping, practiced slack-lining and most recently have started creating bird boxes and decorative items with reclaimed wood and pyrography pens.

It has been such a success and something so positive in our members’ lives, that we will be looking at expanding the capacity of the group this year. We just wanted to thank you again for your support and to let you know how beneficial it has been so far.”

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