Lodge News

A Special Lewis Themed night at King Alfred

Friday 13 th of December saw the brethren at King Alfred Lodge in Weston-Super-Mare conduct their
second initiation of this masonic season. A mention to all the brethren that took part in the ceremony, as always, some superb pieces delivered.

All Brethren

It was a special night being that it was a Lewis initiation. But not how you would normally think, as most brethren know, a Lewis is a masonic term to symbolise the son of a Freemason. It refers to a
working tool that is an iron clamp, used to lift and position heavy stones. The symbolism of the Lewis
extends to the duty of a son to support and aid his parents particularly as they get older in life.

Usually, the father is the one who inducts his son into Masonry as is usual custom, however, this
evening actual saw the son induct his father into King Alfred. A complete role reversal and
demonstrates the diversity at King Alfred. So for once, it will be the son Finlay James who will be guiding and teaching his father Daniel James through his masonic journey, what an honour that must be.

WM, Father and Son

At the Festive board, even one of the verses to the Entered Apprentice song was sung exclusively by
Lewis’ and fathers of Lewis’ as is demonstrated by the following photographs.
A True honour to all the father’s out there. This message is also an ode to one of our brethren who
lost his father earlier in the week, our thoughts are with him.

Article by Christopher Whitehead LCO King Alfred

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