Lodge NewsNews

Portcullis Raise the Gate and a New Master Mason

At their October meeting Lodge Portcullis who meet in Langport raised Marcus Pattern to the sublime degree of a Master Mason in fine style, with some particularly impressive ritual by those taking part in the ceremony, especially Nick Brown who presented the Traditional History immaculately.  

Portcullis this month continued their support of Langport Food back with a donation of nearly £300 of essential items which was gratefully received. Vic Bolton wrote on the Lodges Facebook page.  “These gifts are a timely support to our clients.  You truly are the kindest and best of people.  We feel supported by you all.  With grateful thanks to Steve and Pam McNaughton and the continued support of Mike & Kate Norton”.

The next meeting at Portcullis will be another raising and we are expecting a VIP to attend too!

By Mike Norton, Lodge Communications Officer.

Marcus Patter & John Nicholas (Lodge Portcullis Master)

Mike Norton, Marcus Pattern & Neil Hitchcott

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