Richard Huish Installation Report

On the 28th September the ‘world-famous’ Richard Huish Lodge No. 8518 held it’s Installation meeting in Taunton when Peter Prior-Sankey handed over the care and custody of the lodge into the hands of Richard Wilson for the upcoming year.
The ceremony was well attended with around forty dining, this number included John Winston – Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master – who took part in the ceremony and then gave a flawless address to the Worshipful Master, showing why he is such a well-respected and honoured brother, as he gave a flawless speech which was enjoyed by all present.
Richard installed all of his officers with the quiet confidence that only an experienced Worshipful Master can manage, making it look easy. All his officers took up their respective roles and settled down for what will undoubtedly be another outstanding season.

Richard had it pointed out to him that in the above picture, it was the one and only time that he would be taller than any of his officers, in fact he is often roasted about his height (or lack of it) and often gets called Brother Warwick with reference to the actor Warwick Davis. All that can be said is being compared to an outstanding, award winning and very talented actor should be taken as a compliment. Richard is an outstanding Worshipful Master who rules over a lodge with grace, humour and with a command of ritual being second to none. The lodge is in very capable hands.
Report by: Neil H – Richard Huish Lodge Comms Officer