Estune Donate to Prostate Cancer UK and Welcome Bro Mark Sudol
At Estune’ s last regular meeting held on Tuesday the 20th December this was a very busy meeting which saw a Grand Lodge Certificate being Presented to Bro Dominic Anderson, and also the privilege to welcome their newest member into the lodge Bro Mark Sudol who was proposed into the lodge by Bro Eric Sortwell. I am sure Bro Mark had a very memorable experience and we hope that he enjoys his time in Estune. we apologise for not having a Photo of Mark Time ran away in this busy evening, we will see a picture of Mark in our next news story in January.
The meeting was called off for a short period to welcome in a representative from Prostate Cancer UK who had received a donation from Estune lodge which was the Past Master W.Bro. Martin Hockley’s chosen charity when he was in the chair, The presentation followed a very interesting talk into the work that is being done to Promote Prostate awareness, we thank the representative for coming along and giving this talk.
After the meeting we all enjoyed a truly Christmas Festive Board Turkey and all the trimmings served up by the excellent team working with Sam, We thank you so much for your hard work over the year looking after us all in fine form.
The meeting was well represented by a number of visitors from across the province your presence was warmly felt and we hope you enjoyed the evening, we look forward to welcoming you all again in 2023.
Don’t Forget if you have no plans for News Years Eve The Nailsea Masonic Hall are Holding a New Years party for more information contact: or follow the link here to find out more I am sure Peter will be more than happy to hear from you.
All that is left to say is we wish everyone a very merry Christmas and a prosperous and healthy New Year.