Teddies for Loving Care

TLC – ‘Teddies on Tour’

The Masonic Charitable Foundation (MCF) is running a “Teddies for Loving Care” (TLC) challenge to gather photos of Red Teddy Bears (with the heart-shaped nose) on their travels.

If you can get a picture of a red bear at hospital, around and about at any local landmarks, or in a Facebook post, then please do send it along with a consent form to Roger Penny at tlc@pglsom.org. Roger will coordinate and pass the images and documents on to the MCF.

NOTE: TLC being altruistic, this should be considered an invitation to “Red Teddy Boys” in Somerset only. There is no obligation whatsoever to take part.

Rules: If you do get photos (of anybody, including yourself) you will need to download, complete, sign and scan/photograph one of the consent forms below.

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