Welcome Home Teddy

Our very own Adrian Halliwell has been liaising with staff at Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton, and raising funds to provide them with Teddy Bears, for over fifteen years.
Recently, his Great Grandson Zac had to attend hospital for two nights with a severe infection in his eyes, requiring intravenous antibiotics and numerous blood tests. As you can imagine, this was a traumatic time for the whole family, but thankfully, he has now been discharged.
Whilst Zac was in hospital Adrian arranged for him to be presented with a TLC teddy and he also presented a bear to the other young patients in the paediatric ward. Zac was delighted with his bear, as were the other children, and it was also a delight for Adrian, after so many years of providing bears, to have one that came back to his family.

For more information on the TLC charity or details on how to make a donation, follow: https://www.somersetfreemasons.org/2019/12/23/teddies-for-loving-care/