What did you do last Weekend?

Five years ago, British Army Veteran of 24 years and member of Whitchurch Lodge No. 6942, Bro Sean Vogt joined RE:ACT, a disaster Response Organisation.
The organisation was at the time made up of 80% ex-military and the remainder from the emergency blue light services and a small handful of other professional personal.
Guided by the humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality, humanity, and independence, RE:ACT response teams are at the forefront of efforts to provide urgent relief to the Ukrainian people. Their volunteers are on the ground working hard in Eastern Europe and the UK
Together, they have established supply corridors to ensure aid from around Europe is collected and transported quickly and safely to the people who need it most
Since joining them, Sean has been deployed to the British Virgin Island (Op Irma 2017), The Bahamas (Op Dorian 2019) and most recently to Moldova/Ukraine (2022). There are also various events that he has supported in the UK throughout the COVID crisis. Throughout which, he has been training new recruits, for whom he is a mentor.
Another example of a busy Freemason’s selfless desire to help those less fortunate.
Bro Sean was in the Duke of Lancaster’s Regiment; an Infantry Regiment of the North West of England. They have two regular battalions and one reserve battalion. Fierce, strong and courageous, they are known as ‘The Lions of England’. Their motto is: “Nec Aspera Terrent” (Difficulties be Damned)
Click below for more information on RE:ACT