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Salford Stalwart – 50 years of Freemasonry

50 years ago, Mike Street was Initiated into Holgate Lodge, in the Province of Yorkshire West Riding and following a relocation to Bristol became a joining member of Saltford Lodge in 2003. 

Since his time in the Chair in 2012, he has played an active role in various offices within the lodge, including a number of years as Junior Warden, Junior Deacon and Dining Steward.

Mike is a regular feature during the ceremonies, often performing various ritual and floorwork, which has been a huge support to the lodge, and he also arranges their annual “White Table” dinner which is always a success and a useful recruitment opportunity.

Additionally he is a member of St Keyna Chapter and is starting to get involved with this new challenge.

Ray Guthrie, Provincial Grand Master, presents Mike with his certificate
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