973NewsRoyal Arch NewsRoyal Arch Provincial News

Absolutely Savage!!

The Companions of Dungarvan Chapter, and their guests, were treated to a very memorable evening at Frome Masonic Hall on Thursday 30th January ’25, when they welcomed Somerset’s current Provincial Royal Arch Chapter Team, led by Ray Guthrie, Grand Superintendent, in order to Exalt two new Companions into Dungarvan Chapter.

Master Masons of Frome’s Royal Somerset Lodge, Tino van der Woude and Christian Rumming, were both keen to complete their journey in Pure Antient Freemasonry by being Exalted into Dungarvan Chapter, and were very happy to be given the opportunity of being Exalted at the same meeting, let alone having that ceremony conducted by members of the Provincial Chapter Team!

Newly Exalted Companions of Dungarvan Chapter, Chris Rumming & Tino Van Der Woude (3rd & 4th from left) with the Principals of the Provincial Grand Chapter of Somerset and of Dungarvan Chapter, with sceptres in hand.

Not only was this a double Exaltation, the first carried out by the current active Provincial Team, it was conducted using the format and wording of the Savage Club Chapter Exaltation Ceremony.

This was also being witnessed for the first time by many of the fifty Companions in attendance, and brilliantly executed it was, too.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, Tino and Christian were each presented with a pair of Provincial Grand Chapter of Somerset cufflinks, as well as Somerset Royal Arch Chapter ties as mementos of this very special waypoint on their Masonic journeys. A great evening from beginning to end.

For those of you who have not yet seen the Savage Club Chapter Exaltation Ritual, it brings an excellent new dimension to the ceremony with which you are already familiar. The ceremony has been adopted for ongoing use by Somerset’s Provincial Team. The work is shared more equally between the Chapter’s Officers, resulting in a flowing narrative which can be readily followed and understood by the new Companions. The differences really are worth a look, and our Grand Superintendent is keen that Somerset’s Royal Arch Chapters consider its adoption.

Open this link to see where the Provincial Team is carrying out forthcoming Exaltation Ceremonies, book in with the Chapter concerned and see for yourself. https://www.somersetfreemasons.org/royal-arch-provincial-team-visits/

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